Consortium Area

You are here: Consortium area > Procedures > Registration procedures > UPAS > 

UPAS registration

Due to the large number of requests, we will not be able to contact you individually if your application fails due to incomplete information

Please note that registration will only be effective once you have:

  • Completed an (Note that you will need the signature of France Couchoux or Kristina Gunne as Team Leaders then you will personally bring the fully completed file to the Users Office, main building).
  • Completed the through which you have requested CERN computer accounts. (Note! - Once these accounts created (but not active) a detailed information e-mail will be sent to you giving you a login and a temporary password which are mandatory to go on to step 3).
  • Provided an Electronic signature of the . You will find it by clicking on 'New User'.

(You will have to follow a short computer security awareness training course, read the CERN Computing Rules, and then confirm that you accept the rules).

The requested accounts will be activated and usable almost immediately. This questionnaire should be completed within 3 days otherwise the accounts requested through the web form will be blocked.